10 May 2016

A to Z challenge 2016- Time to Reflect


A to Z challenge 2016 

Done and dusted. Phewwww.
That is the first feeling and the one word that dominated me for many days, after posting my Z post and sharing it with the various groups.
My initial thought was to do this post in free verse too but my poetic muscle needs some rest so I let it be. Also I miss writing prose :)

This is the second time I have chosen to do the challenge and finished it, which I would, since my personality has a problem with letting go of anything at all midway, which can just become a non-positive at times.

The actual research, reminiscing and writing itself of my mytho-historic poetry was extremely enjoyable and I found myself submerged in joy while going about the creative process.

One decision I have made to make the whole of April even more enjoyable is that I shall never ever again go through the A to Z in the fashion I have done, which is of writing and posting daily. Not only does this take away from the pleasure of reading others blogs and commenting but also I felt I have gone through a sugar-cane press. This time was much harder than the first since I was in Australia and thus had much more daily work on my hands than in 2014, when I was in the motherland.

Also the little one just turned ten and being an only child, looks at me to double up as a sibling/playmate....you get the drift I am sure :) Here there is no one around our home to go out and play with too.

At times I felt I would lose my mind and for sure the hormones had something to do with that too ;)

So next year and for however long I do the A to Z I will ONLY do it if I have most of my posts written and ready.

Interacting with fellow bloggers who went through the challenge and some who didn't, connecting with them through the soul that comes through in each one's written word, reading comments and replying, commenting on other blogs, discovering new human beings and new blogs- this is quite a journey and I appreciate it and thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. I am not mentioning individual bloggers/friends much as I would like to, from scarcity of time but the ones that followed many of my posts and the ones whose many posts I followed hold a special place in my heart and you know who you are :)

Touched and inspired from my mum and my daughter reading all my posts.
Image result for free image of heart

Thanks to the creator of the A to Z challenge, Arlee Bird and here is the link to the A to Z challenge site, just in case  http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/

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